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e mërkurë, 22 gusht 2007

test 1 test 1 test 1 test 1 test 1 test 1 test 1 test 1 test 1 test 1

Today the saddest thing happened

Baxter killed Milo,a squirrel we found on the birdfeeder as a tiny baby two years ago.We will have a squirrel funeral after lunch.

e diel, 19 gusht 2007

Katelin and I are in the same class-FINALLY!

Katelin and I got in Mrs. Marks's class together after THREE YEARS of being in dfferent classes.We are best friends,so those three years were a disaster!But we will FINALLY be together! Yay!

e enjte, 16 gusht 2007


Tommorrow is the day of the big sleepover..FINALLY!!

e hënë, 13 gusht 2007


Last night,we went stargazing.We saw the Milky Way and some meteors. Then at the end ,Daddy stole four ears of corn!

e premte, 3 gusht 2007

e enjte, 2 gusht 2007

This is Sam.She lives with me,my sister,my mom,my dad,my grandma,and three other cats,Harry,Baxter,and Nerys.I love spending time with her.